How to Use Shave Kits

What does a 14 bolt shave kit do?
When you are doing technical off-roading and inches count and you are already at your max for body and suspension lifts, you might consider a shave kit for your 14 bolt axle. The differential housing on your rear axle protects the ring gear and differential, as well as submersing it in a light grade oil. Going over rocks, stumps, and other obstacles can dent or damage your differential housing or differential cover, causing oil to leak out and the gear to wear out, or even offset it and wreck your differential because of impacts.
If you want a leaner profile on the underside of your vehicle, TMR offers a shave kit that will reduce how far the 14 bolt housing sticks out, "shaving" around 2" off your clearance. That’s the equivalent of going from a 40” tire to a 44” tire! It might not sound like much, but in serious off-roading, inches count for everything.
What we offer
We offer 2 kinds of kits: a complete bolt shave kit and a basic bolt conversion kit. The basic kit includes the shave plate only – you will supply your own heavy duty diff cover which will require modification. The complete kit includes a 3/8" thick heavy duty differential cover, bolts, and the shave plate…basically everything you need in one simple package.
Within each kit (basic or complete) you have the choice to machine your ring gear for maximum clearance gain, or leave your ring gear factory spec. The clearance difference between the 2 kits is 5/16”. Many customers want the maximum clearance possible so they choose to have the ring gear machined. Many customers also want the easiest installation possible – if this is you choose the “non ring gear machined” version to use your factory or aftermarket gear set.
Another advantage to the “non ring gear machined” version is replacement parts – say you are in a remote area and break your ring and pinion. It’s far easier to find a gear set and replace it than it is to find a machine shop to machine down your replacement gear set.
How to install
Here are the basic numbered steps of what needs to be done to install a complete shave kit:
- Remove rear end from vehicle
- Drain oil from the differential and remove axles
- Remove ring gear from the differential
- If choosing the “ring gear machining required” version - take the ring gear to a machine shop to have it turned down in size. Or, if you prefer the DIY route you can grind down the gear yourself. Matt from BleepinJeep has a great video that shows this technique!
- Mark sections off with sharpie or welding pen.
- Cut the differential housing to size for a perfect fit.
- Weld the shave plate to the housing on the inside and outside of the housing.
- Reassemble the differential and reinsert the axles.
- Bolt on the heavy duty differential cover using “the right stuff” gasket maker and refill with oil.
- Proper installation will result in a tight fit without drips, as well as clearance from the ring gear to the shave plate, as designed.
If you would like to see our step by step manual for installing the TMR 14 Bolt Shave Kit simply visit this link:
Why Us?
TMR offers affordable prices with a do-it-yourself mindset. We also offer free shipping on many items and have the best inventory of quality, aftermarket parts and accessories for your rough and tumble adventuring. Our team of experts ready to help.
Contact us today to get started with your TMR Customs 14 bolt shave kit!