Off-Road Fabrication Tools

Showing 56 results
Price, $
  • $29$342$656$969$1.3k

TMR Customs stocks the right off-road tools to get your off-road project finished! We’re most famous for our made in-house dimple dies and dimple dies for knockout punches - all backed with a lifetime warranty. 
Another great problem solver we carry is our weld spacers. These are perfect when welding link or control arm brackets because they’ll keep your bracket fixed/jigged to the proper width and prevent distortion when fitting your suspension joint. 
If it’s a 1.5/FT tapered reamer you need to ream your pitman's arm, high steer arms, or knuckles we have you covered! The 1.5/FT is an automotive-specific taper you won’t find in your buddy's drawer at  his machine shop - so purchase your own off-road tools and do the job right the first time!