JK 1 TON Swap

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Price, kr
  • kr913 kr1.8k kr2.6k kr3.5k kr4.3k

Currently, in its 4th generation of being thoroughly awesome in every off-road-ready way, the Jeep Wrangler has enjoyed its progression from the early WWII days where a very real “go-anywhere” element was desperately needed in the trenches to becoming a favorite in the off-roading community.  One of the traits that made rugged adventurers from the mountains in Colorado to the canyons of Moab and Death Valley fall in love with the Jeep is its solid axles. Our JK 1 Ton Swap is just what you need because sometimes having an “axle swap meet” within your very own garage can give you just a bit more of what you are really looking to get out of your rig.

Here at TMR Customs we know that every aftermarket part you choose to soup things up for a JK 1 Ton Swap goes a long way in furthering your very own exploratory spirit. That’s why we have the ultimate goods like this Jeep JK Front Dana 44 Truss Kit! It’s cut by the most professional laser experts in the world and is ¼” thick for durable and trustworthy strength. Completing a task like an axle replacement involves so much more than just slapping them between the wheels, and A-list parts like this are where you can’t go wrong.

Here at TMR Customs we love outfitting our rig just as much as you do, so we know about all the important stuff such as ascent angles, lift clearance, and the need for higher performance. Replacing the axles with a JK 1 Ton Swap in the Wrangler will leave you with a more trusty, versatile, and rut-conquering beast, and we are here to provide the proper gear to do so!